Beware of Scams


Scammers will often pose as utility bill collectors or BrightRidge employees via phone, emails, social media or in-person, to steal your personal information and money. These scams often target the elderly, non-English speakers, and businesses, but anyone can fall victim to these. The wintertime is the most common time for scams to happen as the threat of losing power during cold weather.

Remember, BrightRidge never requests payment over the phone. You will be transferred by a customer service representative to the automated payment system to make your payment. 

Be Aware Of The Types Of Scams

Phone Scams

Scammers will often use spoofing software, so the phone call appears to be coming from BrightRidge on your caller ID. Callers threaten to disconnect your service if you do not pay immediately. These scammers tend to use intimidation and scare tactics in an attempt to coerce you into providing payment information over the phone.

Email Scams

Email scams try to access your personal information such as banking details, social security numbers, passwords, etc., to gain access to your online financial or personal accounts or to get you to make a payment via a fake website. These emails may contain links to online bills or links that redirect you to an unfamiliar website.

Door-to-Door Scams

Occasionally, scammers will be bold enough to go door-to-door. These scammers will attempt to enter your home under false pretenses such as asking to check your electrical wiring or metering. 

BrightRidge personnel are typically easily identifiable.  BrightRidge employees travel in corporate vehicles, often wear BrightRidge corporate apparel or uniforms, and have in-hand a BrightRidge employee photo identification card.  The only time BrightRidge employees should enter your home is in the event an appointment has been previously scheduled to install a TALO water heater device.

Protect Yourself Against Scams 

  • If you receive a phone call, ask for the person’s name, department, and phone number. Then call customer service at 423-952-5000 to confirm the representative’s identity and the validity of their requests. Calls are answered 8am to 5pm, Monday – Friday.
  • Check your account status with SmartHub to know immediately the state of your account if a scammer contacts you.
  • Never share your personal information such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers, social security number, or date of birth over phone or email unless you initiate the contact and feel confident with whom you are speaking.
  • If you believe you have been a victim of a scam, immediately report the incident to your local police and the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. If you already have provided information to a possible scammer, contact your bank immediately. Also contact the three national credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – and request a notation made on your account so that it doesn’t impact your credit rating.
  • Share this information with friends and family so they don’t become victims of scams. The elderly are common victims.
  • Watch for red flags

No Appointment

If a person claiming to be a representative from BrightRidge contacts you at your home without an appointment or prior notification, that person may be a scammer. Always ask supposed employees for proper identification. Additionally, all BrightRidge company vehicles are marked with the company’s name or logo. If you are approached by someone claiming to be an employee of BrightRidge, check to see if their vehicle is clearly marked and ask to see his/her employee badge. 

Strange Time Frame

Scammers will often demand payment within the hour. They want you to pay immediately so that you will make a poor decision, and they will use threats to get you to do so. The most common threat that scammers use is to tell you that a truck is in your neighborhood ready to make the disconnection. This behavior is meant to fluster in hopes that you make a mistake. Also be aware of phone calls that occur outside of the hours of 8am to 5pm.

Strange Payment Method

Scammers will often ask for prepaid debit cards. They will ask you to buy the card at a local store and then call them back to provide the card or pin number. BrightRidge will not request a specific payment method. The payment method is always initiated by the customer.

Unprofessional Behavior

If you receive a poorly written email that contains spelling/grammatical errors or a phone call from a person using threats or an angry tone, be aware that you may be dealing with a scammer.