Request for Public Comment


Beginning with the July 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors, BrightRidge will hold a public comment period during each meeting of the Board of Directors and its Board Committees. Comments must pertain to actionable items on the agenda and will be limited to three (3) minutes.

Each comment period will take place at the start of a meeting so that input is offered prior to action being taken. The period will generally be limited to fifteen (15) minutes, and speakers will generally be determined based on order of receipt of request.

Individuals wishing to speak at a public meeting must sign up at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting start time by completing the Request for Public Comment form below or by calling (423) 952-5039.

To ensure that opposing viewpoints are fairly represented curing the public comment period, individuals registering to speak at a meeting need to state the action item about which they wish to speak and whether they will be speaking in support of or in opposition to the item. Comments may also be provided in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting start time.

Agenda minutes archive

Request for Public Comment